Monday, April 13, 2009


Daniel's first-grade journal thoughts of late:

Lorrie is cuming in two owrrss. I wont to culrr with hre. I wont to go owtsid wif hre. I wont to do a craft with her. I like Lorrie.

Lorrie (aunt) is coming in two hours. I want to color with her. I want to go outside with her. I want to do a craft with her. I like Lorrie.

Dad is cuming soon. I wont to do a siens igsperument. I wont to to owtsid with Dad. He is fun.

Dad is coming soon. I want to do a science experiment. I want to go outside with Dad. He is fun.

Daniel is becoming more and more independent with his studies. I used to have to sit with him the whole time during writing time. Now, he does it on his own and brings it to me afterwards. I LOVED the way he spelled "experiment"! I had to laugh (privately) at the "ig" beginning. That's actually how he says it. Hearing a final "nt" is actually very good, for his age. I'm pleased with his work, except for the sight words. Still have a lot of work to do there. Evaluating his independent work helps me plan on-target lessons.

Margie left a very good recipe for roasting pork and turkey in the comment section of my Easter Sunday post (Assurance of What We Cannot See). Thank you, Margie. I can't wait to try it out!

Happy Monday! I'm headed for bed. I stayed up too late while Auntie Lorrie (Don's sister) was here. Have to get back on track.

1 comment:

Jess said...

i love it! i didn't get it at first when i read your title but when i was reading the written work it made perfect sense and i smiled big time. :) that is quite a big word to tackle.

it also made me smile because isaiah looks so forward to when kiersten does her science experiments as well. the hands on activity seems to reel him in and keep him interested. very cute.

and can i just tell you i love the haircut! i was going to ask you to post a picture of it after you wrote about it, but i never did. it looks wonderful - hope you like it.
have a wonderful day, miss pam.