Tuesday, September 15, 2009

terrible, horrible, no-good, very-bad sleeping

Good morning!  I have only checked my e-mail three times these last few days.  Victory!

The master schedule I've been writing--designed to put us on the road to sanity and learning--is nearly done.  My Anna Grace, 9 months-old, sweet as honey, and a blessing beyond words, is a terrible, horrible, no-good, VERY-BAD SLEEPER--to borrow some words from Alexander.  My only time to work on the schedule is after the children are in bed at night.  Her Royal Sweetness wakes up so frequently--night and day--that the planning and revising is a very. slow. process.

Just now, I put her down for what should have been a 90-minute nap.  As I hear her cries and look at the clock, I see it was only a 35-minute nap.  While it's very hard not to get emotionally pent up about this (given that I'm sleep deprived), I will simply get her up and let it go.

Because I have no choice.  God, allow Her Royal Sweetness to sleep!  Please!  Pretty please, even.

No sarcasm in the "Royal Sweetness" part....she really does have the best temperament ever.  Remind me when she is three that I once said this, will you?