Saturday, March 7, 2009

So Strong and So Mighty

This giant sunflower is to remind me of how BIG my God is. It doesn't matter to him that the Dow Jones is continuing to fall. Or that unemployment is 8.1%. Or that I can't find a teaching job even in Kansas. And he knows the thought of leaving my kids is breaking my heart. He is BIGGER than all the doom and gloom we're fed everyday.

I have less faith than ever before, but I'm trying hard to get back in touch with it. We sang this song to the kids tonight. They don't know what's going on, but it sure helped US to hear the words.

My God is so BIG
So strong and so mighty
There's nothing that he cannot do
The mountains are his
The valleys are his
The skies are his handiwork, too

My God is so BIG
So strong and so mighty
There's nothing that he cannot do


Liz said...

Keep on singing girlfriend -- trusting God and believing in His promises even when our real life situation wants to drive us to despair, is the very essence of faith.

Jess said...

i have always loved the sunflower...and how it's face continually seeks to bask in the suns warmth. i will continue to pray that the warmth of the Son's love is felt on your face and in your heart as you wait to see what is in store. like miss liz said keep singing girl - there is wonderful truths there and your heart will be encouraged the more you fill it up.