The boys decorated the tree themselves, for the second year in a row. They decided all the ornaments should go in the center, to protect them from Emily Rose. Smart boys. Needless to say, no one has or will complement us on our tree. That's okay, because the boys are so in love with it! The tree just amazes and delights them year after year. Daddy wasn't planning on getting it out this early, but Daniel pleaded his "early out" case nearly constantly over Thanksgiving weekend. It was more than Daddy could take, combined with the paper-chain construction paper and rolling pin pleads.
Daniel has had a soft spot in his heart for Emily Rose since she was born. My hunch is that they will always be close. Today Daniel told me he is very happy that I'm pregnant. He can't wait to meet Anna Grace! Continually, he asks what she will "do" when she is born. I don't think he quite believes me when I say she will mostly sleep and eat. Apparently, he doesn't remember Emily's homecoming. He was not quite 5 at the time.
I just love containers! I dumped this bin of blocks so I could get all cozy in here. Mommy won't mind bending over to help me pick them up, even with that huge tummy of hers. So, why did she roll her eyes like that?
Grandma sent me this cool airplane sweatshirt. I wear it with pride!
PlayDoh animal creations. The gray playdoh is actually homemade, and somehow it has lasted several months. It started out as light green, then apparently got mixed with commercial colors. It occurred to me that this stuff might harbor germs, so it's probably time to throw it out and make another batch.
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