Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Update on Anna Grace

Well, the blood pressure situation has worsened. I was getting numbers like 163/104 starting last night. I hot-tailed it in there this morning and thankfully there is no protein in the urine, which is a very good sign. They did do preeclampsia blood work and results are still pending. Also, they started me on a blood pressure medication which is helping the blood pressure numbers more so than the med they used at the end of Emily's pregnancy. It's making me feel nervous and jittery, but hopefully those side effects will go away after a few more doses. I can be up a little as long as the medicine is working, but as the dose wears off I have to stay reclined on my left side, which helps facilitate better blood flow to the baby. Her name will be Anna Grace, by the way.

They will check mother and baby twice a week with ultrasound and fetal monitoring, with the hope that the blood pressure medicine will buy her two more weeks in the womb. Delivering at 37 weeks is considered full-term, so the goal is to at least get to that point, as long as preeclampsia doesn't develop. I will be 35 weeks on Friday.

I really hope she'll be able to suckle with no trouble. That shouldn't be a problem if she makes it until 37 weeks.

I am (we are) seriously considering that these problems occurring earlier this time might be a sign that medical intervention (surgical sterilization) to prevent another pregnancy might be warranted in my case. We are praying about it. Preeclampsia can develop quickly and without much warning and be potentially deadly, making it a very scary disease. While it doesn't usually occur until after 32 weeks, it can potentially show up as early as 24 weeks. Definitely don't want that scenario, if another pregnancy should happen. A clear sign from God that we are done procreating? Not sure yet, but leaning that way.


Anonymous said...

How about some pictures of your kiddos taken with your new camera?

Evenspor said...

Pre-eclampsia is so scary. Good luck. I am sure Anna Grace will make it out healthy and strong.