Friday, April 3, 2009

Let Us Rejoice

I've met another mom! Check out the Suiresphere blog, on the sidebar, authored by Stephanie, who is a working, pregnant mom, residing near Dallas. She has a two-year-old daughter. It will be grueling in another eight weeks, when her bundle of joy arrives. She'll need your support and love. This is my second time handling a two year old AND a baby. Quite a juggling act, no matter how much you prepare beforehand.

Last I wrote about TV, recall that the boys were newly required to earn their viewing time, by keeping the playroom and their bedroom clean. It's working beautifully so far, to both curb screen time, and keep the house neater.

Wanting to cut down their viewing even further, I added a second tier to the arrangement. They now have to stay within a one-hour-per-day limit. Timothy, who is a strongly visual learner, is having the harder time giving up the visual stimulation. Daniel, more auditory and tactile, has had an easier time finding other pastimes. Last time I had a fussy baby, the boys watched too much for a three-month period, and Timothy had a similarly tough time with the withdrawal.

Anyway, don't think I'm hinting that your kids should cut down; I think the Lord extends grace for these survival-mode parenting times - especially when there's no extended family around to pitch in. Lately, however, he's made it clear to me that it's time to move on.

Our temperatures have risen, so outdoor play is on their radar again. Unfortunately, just as we've hit the fifties and low sixties, rain has arrived, for a four-day stay. Emily and I are singing "Rain, Rain, go away, fun-filled Emily wants to play."

But, praise the Lord for the beautifully greening grass, and the good-sized tulip shoots. It's all good. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Who cares if the unemployment rate hit 8.5%? Think about how God is feeding the tulips, and how engagingly he'll dress them. And he treasures us even more!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's true, we can't run around like Chicken Little worrying about the sky falling down. Better to enjoy the goodness all around us. I hope you don't mind that I added you to my blogroll.